3 Days Shared Tour - A Great Travel Choice (Discover the Temples in Angkor Archeological Park + Kbal Spean, Banteay Srei, and Roluos Group)

3 Days Shared Tour - A Great Travel Choice (Discover the Temples in Angkor Archeological Park + Kbal Spean, Banteay Srei, and Roluos Group)

A Super Great Travel Choice- Discover the Ancient Temples in the Khmer Empire in the Small and Grand Circuits, and Explore beyond the Angkor Archeological Park (+ 3rd day: Kbal Spean, Banteay Srei, and Roluos Group). A ticket cost access to the Kbal Spean and waterfall national park have been included in the tour price already.

1. Travel Info -Highlight

Tour Code: SHT-015

Category: Shared/Group Tour

Option: Premium Option

Duration: Full 3 days tour

Departure Time: 7:30 AM

Estimated Return Time: 5:30 PM

Booking: Click here...

2. Tour Description

This 3 days shared tour provides a special itinerary for our guests who are seeking to book for 3 days tour with us for discovering the Angkor temples during the Khmer Empire reign and explore beyond the Angkor Archeological Park which including the temples site and natural national park visible in Siem Reap province.

There are 3 options offers for this 3 days shared tour  and the difference is on the 3rd day of the tour which will be chosen by the visitor as following:

- Option 1: Temples in Angkor Archeological Park + Kbal Spean, Banteay Srei, and Roluos Group for the 3rd day.

- Option 2: Temples in Angkor Archeological Park + Kulen Mountain & Waterfall National Park and Banteay Srei for the 3rd day.

- Option 3: Temples in Angkor Archeological Park + Temple in the Roluos Group + Kampong Phluk (the floating village in the Tonle Sap lake) for the 3rd day.

This is a 3 days shared tour (Option 1) that provides a special itinerary for our guests who are seeking to book for 3 days tour with us for discovering the Angkor temples during the Khmer Empire reign and explore beyond the Angkor Archeological Park which including the Kbal Spean, Banteay Srei, and Roluos Group for the 3rd day.

Day 1: You will be discovered for all major temples of Angkor in the small circuit such as Angkor Wat, Baksei Chamkrong, Prasat Bei, South Gate of Angkor Thom, Monuments of Angkor Thom temple, Victory Gate, Thommanon, Chau Say Tevoda, Ta Keo, Ta Prohm, Banteay Kdei, Srah Srang temples.

Day 2: You'll visit the temples in the grand circuit such as Pre Rup, East Mebon, Ta Som, Krol Ko, and Neak Pean in the morning time, and then continue to Prasat Prei, Banteay Prei, Preah Khan, and the north gate of Angkor Thom in the afternoon time. At the end of the day tour, we are including a special itinerary for our guests to visit the amazing temple of Phnom Bakheng or Bakheng hill, which the Hindu temple located in atop a hill creates the nicest views of the sunset, sunrise, and surrounding the temple that we can see the West Baray, Angkor Wat, and Siem Reap town.

Day 3: We will bring our guests to visit other attractive places beyond the Angkor Archeological Park such as Kbal Spean, Banteay Srei, and Roluos Group

+ Kbal Spean and waterfall national park is a part of Phnom Kulen National Park, known as the Valley of a 1000 Lingas or the River of a Thousand Lingas which Yonis and Lingas as tributes to the Hindu god Shiva have carved along a 150m stretch of the Stung Kbal Spean River. The park is cool because there are a lot of trees and the jungle is lush and abundant during the rainy season. During the rainy season, the water is running strongly and it may be hard to see the Lingas. The wet season is the best time to get there by as the jungle is cool and fresh air. Also, you'll be able to take the bath as our Khmer believe said that it is holy water. The hot season is not recommended because the temperatures are scorching and it’s not best for bushwalking.

+ Banteay Srei is a 10th-century Khmer temple dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva. The temple located in the north-east of the main group of temples about 25km that once belonged to the medieval capitals of Yasodharapura and Angkor Thom. Banteay Srei is built largely of red sandstone, a medium that lends itself to the elaborate decorative wall carvings which are still observable today. The buildings themselves are miniature in scale, unusually so when measured by the standards of Angkorian construction. These factors have made the temple extremely popular with tourists, and have led to its being widely praised as a "precious gem", or the "jewel of Khmer art.

+ Roluos Group refers to a collection of four Angkor-era monuments, which are not located within the main Angkor Park, but instead near a small town named Roluos, about 15km east of Siem Reap. The monuments are named Bakong, Preah Ko, Lolei, and Prei Monti temples. The significance of these four temples is that they’re the last remains of the ancient city of the Khmer Empire named "Hariharalaya", which was the second capital of the Angkor-era Khmer Empire. 


3. Travel Itinerary

***Day 1: Temple in the small circuit. It includes the following most famous temples and sights:

++ Morning Time: 

Early morning starting at 6:45 am, our driver and tour guide will go to pick up you at the hotel where you are staying respectively. While everyone is picked up we'll take you to get your Angkor Pass Ticket, and then will go forward direct to the temple and first stop at the Angkor Wat temple park, and then continue the journey along with the route of the small circuit. We expected to be at the Angkor Wat park before 8:30 am.

Step 1- Visit Angkor Wat - No one can miss visiting this temple while arriving in Siem Reap and it is one of the temples in Cambodia and the largest religious monument in the world. Temple was originally constructed as a Hindu temple dedicated to the god Vishnu during the Khmer Empire, represented of Mount Meru, the home of the gods, gradually transforming into a Buddhist temple towards the end of the 12th century. It was built by the Khmer King Suryavarman II and completed by Jayavarman VII.

Step 2- Visit the Baksei Chamkrong, Prasat Bei, and South gate of Angkor Thom.

+ Baksei Chamkrong - is a small and single tower temple in the 10th-century built in a pyramid style.

+ Prasat Bei a small temple with three brick towers in a north-south row built by king Yasovarman I (was an Angkorian king who reigned in 889–910 CE. He was called "Leper King").

+ South Gate of Angkor Thom (Tonle Om Gate), is one of the most interesting places for tourists. The visitor dropped when they gross into the Angkor Thom area and enjoy taking nice photographs.

Step 3- Visit the monuments inside the Angkor Thom- (the attractions inside such as Bayon, Baphoun, Terrace of the Elephants, Terrace of King Leper, North & South Suor Prat temples (Known as 12 laterite towers), Preah Pithu, known as a group of five temples T, U, V, Y, and X, Preah Palilay, Phimeanakas, North and South Khleangs, etc.)


++ Lunch Time: We will take a break for lunch at 12:00 pm in the local restaurant near the Angkor Thom.

++ Afternoon Time: 

After the lunch break, we will go toward through the Victory gate of Angkor Thom to see other temples in the small circuit such as Thommanon, Chau Say Tevoda, Ta Keo, Ta Prohm, Banteay Kdei, and Srah Srang.

Step 1- Along the route of the small circuit route to see other temples offer a short-term stop for visiting the Victory Gate and shooting the photo with a beautiful gate - One of the eastern gates of Angkor Thom. It counted as the 2nd most visited and interesting gate of an ancient of Angkor Thom, which legend has it that this gate was important as during the reign of the King he would send his army into battle through this major gate when defending the Kingdom, especially into battle against Champa, the Khmer empire's mighty enemy to the east.

Step 2- Visit Thommanon and Chau Say Tevoda.

+ Thommanon Temple - a stone temple of Archaeological Park built during the reign of Suryavarman II at the same time as Angkor Wat dedicated to the god Shiva and Vishnu. The temple is covered in intricate carvings and surrounded by forests in Angkor. The temple is in relatively excellent condition.

+ Chau Say Tevoda Temple -Chau Say Tevoda is a Hindu temple in Angkor Archaeological Park which was built in the mid-12th century in the same period as the world-famous Angkor Wat and the temple is dedicated to god Shiva and Vishnu with unique types of female sculptures of devatas enshrined in it.

Step 3- Visit Ta Keo Temple- the temple-mountain that was built by the 17-year-old king named Jayavarman V after he succeeded his father Rajendravarman, in 968 while he was 10-year-old.

Step 4- Visit Ta Prohm - is one of the most popular and attractive temples to visit in Angkor city of Cambodia. The famous “Tomb Raider” temple overgrown by jungle.

Step 5- Visit Banteay Kdei - Literally meaning “a Citadel of Chambers”, this temple functioned as a Buddhist monastery over the centuries.

Step 6- Small relax and getting fresh air at Srah Srang with views of the sunset– An artificial, 10th-century lake "royal pool" and a nice spot to unwind after a day of “temple climbing”.

Step 7- Return back to the Siem Reap city, Our guests will be transferred directly to drop off at their respective hotels.


***Day 2: Temples in the Grand Circuit. It includes the following most famous temples and sights:

++ Morning Time: 

As our guests already bought the Angkor Pass Ticket on the first day, so our guests will be picked at the hotels respectively starting from 7:30 am, and then we'll move forward to visit the temples by the first stop at Pre Rup temple and continue the journey to the following temple sites are East Mebon, Ta Som, Krol Ko, and Neak Pean during the morning time.

Step 1- Visit Pre Rup - is one of the mountain temples that was built as the state temple of Khmer during the reign of king Rajendravarman and dedicated in 961 or early 962. The material combined brick, laterite, and sandstone construction. The name of the temple is comparatively with the Khmer word meaning "turn the body". This reflects the common belief among Cambodians that funerals were conducted at the temple, with the ashes of the body being ritually rotated in different directions.

Step 2- Visit East Mebon - is a temple with five towers arranged like the numbers on a die atop a base with three tiers. The whole is surrounded by three enclosures. The towers represent the five peaks of the mythical Mount Meru. The Mebon stands on a small island in the middle of the Eastern Baray, which was a large body of water (2 by 7 kilometers) fed by the Siem Reap River. The temple was accessible only by boat. Today the Baray, once a source of water for irrigation, is a plain of rice fields and the visitor is left to imagine the original majesty of this temple in the middle of a large lake.

Step 3- Visit Ta Som - is very attractive and exciting for visitors because the nerves are well maintained and there are trees growing through some parts of the structure that provide the best photography opportunities and provide coolness while visiting the temples with very hot weather in the dry season.

Step 4- Visit Krol Ko and Neak Pean temples

- Krol Ko - a small temple with a single tower surrounded by two laterite walls. The temple was originally built as a Buddhist temple by King Jayavarman VII in the style of Bayon in the late 12th century. Usually, when visiting the Neak Poan temple, tourists will visit it later because it is located in the north next to the Neak Pean temple.

- Neak Pean is a quite amazing temple on an artificial island with a Buddhist temple on a circular island in Jayatataka Baray. One of the hospital temples built by King Jayavarman VII for medical purposes which the ancients believed that going into these pools would balance the elements in the bather, thus curing disease. It is based on the ancient Hindu belief of balance. There are four connected pools represent Water, Earth, Fire, and Wind. Each is connected to the central water source, the main tank, by a stone conduit "presided over by one of Four Great Animals namely Elephant, Bull, Horse, and Lion, corresponding to the north, east, south, and west quarters.


++ Lunch Time: We will take a break for lunch at 12:00 pm in the local restaurant near the Preah Khan temple.

++ Afternoon Time: 

Afternoon time, our visitor will spend time to visit the other small two temples nearby Neak Pean named Prasat Prei and Banteay Prei, and then visit Preah Khan temple, and climb to the small hill of Bakheng for sunset views.

Step 1- Visit Prasat Prei and Banteay Prei temples

- Prasat Prei: A small temple built by King Jayavarman VII in the late 12th century in the small natural hillock at the north close of Preah Khan. 

- Banteay Prei: A small temple that is rarely of the visitors, but a beautiful and peaceful place suitable for the visitor who wants to escape the crowd and learn more about the Angkorian period.

Step 2- Visit Preah Khan Temple: is one of the largest complexes, attractive, and beautiful temples in the Grand Circuit at Angkor Archaeological Park.

Step 3- Along the route of the grand circuit to see Phnom Bakheng temple offer a short-term stop for shooting a photo with beautiful of the North gate of Angkor Thom: One of the five gates of the ancient city of Angkor Thom, not so crowded but beautiful gate. You can have a short drop for taking a photo with it.

Step 4- Climb on the small hill of Bakheng or Phnom Bakheng for enjoying nice views of it (Sunset views atop of the temple, view of Siem Reap city, towers of Angkor Wat, and West Baray): is a Hindu temple dedicated to the god Shiva located atop a hill in the middle between the Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom. Also, known as Yasodharapura capital of King Yasovarman I, the 3rd Capital city of the Khmer empire after the Hariharalaya in the Roluos and the first capital named Mahendraparvata on the slopes of Phnom Kulen mountain in Siem Reap Province.

Step 5- Return back to the Siem Reap city, Our guests will be transferred directly to drop off at their respective hotels.


***Day 3: The trip of this third day it includes the following most famous temples and sights:

++ Mornin Time: 

For the third day, we will bring our guests to visit other attractive places beyond the Angkor Archeological Park such as Kbal Spean, Banteay Srei, and Roluos Group.

Step 1- Early morning after everyone is picked, we'll head toward the Kbal Spean, a national park in the slope of Kulen Mountain. The interesting thing over there is the waterfall during rainy and wet seasons, a jungle mountain covered with lush and rich green trees, and the river of 1000 Lingas carved along a 150m stretch of the Stung Kbal Spean River.

+ Kbal Spean and waterfall national park is a part of Phnom Kulen National Park, known as the Valley of a 1000 Lingas or the River of a Thousand Lingas which Yonis and Lingas as tributes to the Hindu god Shiva have carved along a 150m stretch of the Stung Kbal Spean River. The park is cool because there are a lot of trees and the jungle is lush and abundant during the rainy season. During the rainy season, the water is running strongly and it may be hard to see the Lingas. The wet season is the best time to get there by as the jungle is cool and fresh air. Also, you'll be able to take the bath as our Khmer believe said that it is holy water. The hot season is not recommended because the temperatures are scorching and it’s not best for bushwalking.


++ Lunch Time: We will take a break for lunch after return from the park in the local restaurant, Kbal Spean national park.

++ Afternoon Time:

Step 1- Early afternoon, after lunch break we'll move to visit the Banteay Srei temple.

+ Banteay Srey - is a 10th-century Khmer temple dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva. The temple located in the north-east of the main group of temples about 25km that once belonged to the medieval capitals of Yasodharapura and Angkor Thom. Banteay Srei is built largely of red sandstone, a medium that lends itself to the elaborate decorative wall carvings which are still observable today. The buildings themselves are miniature in scale, unusually so when measured by the standards of Angkorian construction. These factors have made the temple extremely popular with tourists, and have led to its being widely praised as a "precious gem", or the "jewel of Khmer art.

Step 2- Visit Roluos Group which refers to a collection of four Angkor-era monuments, which are not located within the main Angkor Park, but instead near a small town named Roluos, about 15km east of Siem Reap. The monuments are named Bakong, Preah Ko, Lolei, and Prei Monti temples. The significance of these four temples is that they’re the last remains of the ancient city of the Khmer Empire named "Hariharalaya", which was the second capital of the Angkor-era Khmer Empire. 

Step 3- Return back to the Siem Reap city, Our guests will be transferred directly to drop off at their respective hotels.


4. Tour Price:

No Means of Transport Number of visitors (Min-Max) Adult Price$ Children 5-12 years old (Price$)
1 Car-4 seater: Toyota Camry, Toyota highlander, Lexus 3-4 pax $175.00 50%
2 Minivan 12-seater 6-10 pax $150.00 50%
3 Hyundai Starex 10-seater 6-10 pax $150.00 50%



- English-Speaking Local Tour Guide.
- Access ticket fee to Kbal Spean National Park/ which will be charged 20$/ person.
- A vehicle with A/C (Car 3 seater, Minivan 12 seater, Hyundai Starex 10-seater).
- Mineral cool drinking water and cold towels
- Offer a free Cambodia scarf.
- Offer a free t-shirt
- Pickup from and drop off the hotel
- First aid kits


- Temple entrance ticket fee.
- Accommodation
- Meal and food of the day (Breakfast, lunch, and Dinner)
- Personal expenses

***Special Tour Notes

  • Tours can be changed or amended and extended with a variety of other activities that cannot be added to suit your individual needs. 
  • Please feel free to contact us for a discussion about the tour and how you would like to personalize it. 
  • If we don’t have a tour which suits your requirements, then we can create one for you!
  • We take 5% of the net sales adding to the fund account for the education support of the children for disadvantaged families and for the local development of the disadvantaged target communities.

***Additional Tour Information 

  • The cancellation notice of the tour is required 5 hours in advance, otherwise, we will charge you the full price.
  • The Angkor Pass Ticket fee for the temples is the following price $37 for a 1-day pass, $62 for a 3-day pass, and $72 for a 1-week pass. Some temples such as Beng Mealea, Banteay Chhmar, and Koh Ker will additionally charge $5, $5, and $10 respectively.
  • A ticket for the national park such as Kulen Waterfall Mountain and Kbal Spean will be charged for $20 each at the gate or if obtained in advance from Angkor City Hotel, a bit cheaper. 
  • Payment is required before starting the tour with our driver or tour guide on the day. Please ask the receipt for your future needed.
  • Closure of sites: The third level of Angkor Wat is not open during Buddhist holidays.
  • You will be walking in the temple area, so you should wear comfortable walking shoes.
  • Using an umbrella to protect the sunlight or raining during the raining season and mosquito spray.
  • For the lady, please use sunscreen to protect your skins. It's a bit hot for the summer especially from March to May.
  • You are advised not to bring valuables things with you on the day of the tour and any loss of your valued things will be not responsible.
  • No smoking, drinking alcohol, or touching the carvings is permitted in and around the temples.
  • Dressing Standard: While visiting any temples, both male or female visitors must dress respectfully, and at your own comfort, we strongly recommend modest clothing. This means clothing that covers your shoulders and knees. Loose, lightweight, long clothing is both respectful and cool in the predominantly hot Asian climate. The Apsara Authority which manages the park reserves the right to refuse entry to certain areas of the site for guests who wear clothing which is considered immodest.
  • ATM machine is available only in the town and payment will be available for Khmer Riels and US dollars.

***Get in Touch with Us:

Tell me, what’s your favorite travel site and plan?

Head Office: #National Road 6, Thlork Andong village, Slorkram, Krong Siem Reap, Siem Reap Province, Kingdom of Cambodia.

Person in Contact: THORN THORTH

Tel: +855 (0) 12 200731 / 093 269 065

Email to info@actiontour.org / booking@actiontour.org 


***Tour Guide & Driver:

The following are the contacts of your professional tour guide and driver:

Tour Guide: TBD / Tel:

Driver: TBD / Tel:

“Actiontour Travel is beyond a tour company that operates its tour's service to promote pro-poor and education tourism in the world, especially for Cambodia.”


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