Preah Pithu (A group of five temples T, U, V, Y, and X)

Preah Pithu (A group of five temples T, U, V, Y, and X)

"A group of five temples residing inside of Angkor Thom which weren't built in the same period and their carvings are interesting, which you shouldn't miss."

Temple Info

Preah Pithu Group is a collection of five temples located at north-east of the Bayon, in front of Tep Pranam and opposite the Terrace of the Leper King inside the ancient city of Angkor Thom. The five temples are in poor conditions, upper levels are ruined, but their carvings are interesting and the site is rather peaceful, wooded, and scarcely crowded. The temples have only recently been cleared and open to the public.

The temples today form part of a group, but they weren't built in the same period, so there is no apparent order. There are five temples that are identified by the letters – T, U, V, Y, and X. The first four (T, U, V, and Y) are all Hindu temples and “X” is a Buddhist temple. It’s likely that this was the last one to have been built. “X” was also unfinished.

The following are the names of the temples that Cambodians call:

  1. Preah Pithu T / Kor Sak Temple (ប្រាសាទ កោរសក់) 
  2. Preah Pithu U /Chorm Temple (ប្រាសាទ ជម)
  3. Preah Pithu X / Ta Tuot Temple (ប្រាសាទ តាទួត), one ruin was unfinished
  4. Preah Pithu V​ /Daun Mean Temple (ប្រាសាទ ដូនមារ)
  5. Preah Pithu Y / Kandork Yeak Temple (ប្រាសាទ កណ្តក យក្ស)

Map of the Preah Pithu temples which was identified as a letter.

(1,2) The temples "T" and "U", they were built together quite for sure, as they are on the same West-East (W-E) axis and are surrounded by a single moat. 

They're oriented to the west, having a cruciform terrace on two levels with nāgas balustrades as the entrance. The temple "T" has a sandstone enclosure, which measures 45 by 40 meters, and has two gopuras on the main W-E axis. The sanctuary, on a 3-levels ornated platform 6 meters high, has a chamber that sheltered a large linga on its pedestal. The fragments of the lintel of western door, on the ground, show a stylized depiction of the "Churning of the Sea of Milk", while the walls are decorated with devatas and floral motifs, Bayon style.

The temple "U" is similar to "T", but smaller and simpler. Its enclosure is 35 by 28 meters. It has no gopura. The lintel of the west door shows the Trimurti, with Shiva dancing on a Kala-head between Vishnu and Brahma. The internal walls are sculpted with dvarapalas and the blind arches at the base of pillars are typical of the Angkor Wat period. On the northern lintel, there is another depiction of the "Churning of the Sea of Milk".

(3) Temple "X" stands on a large terrace, 4 meters high, about 100 meters east of temple "U". It is straight reachable from there if the moat is dry. It is similar in design to the former temples but is larger and incomplete in its decorations. "X" is a Buddhist temple: on the walls of the sanctuary chamber, there is a double row of 37 sculpted Buddhas. It is believed that this group of images might be related to the 37 Practices of Bodhisattvas believed to have been used by Shakyamuni to achieve enlightenment. Even the lintels show Buddhist motifs. However, the most interesting remains, depicting famous Siddharta's cutting of the hair, are not in place. Towards the east, the laterite terrace is surrounded by seams, delimiting the sacred area.


(4) Temple "V", outside the residual moat, north of temple "U", there is temple "V". It is oriented to the East, where it opens with a double vestibule, and has no enclosure. On the West it has a causeway that ends with a 40-meter long cruciform terrace, leading into the northeast corner of the Royal Square. Its sanctuary chamber, standing on a two-tier sculpted basement, is the largest of the group, having a square side of 3.80 m, and hosting a large 1.5 m linga. Its external decorations, in Angkor Wat style, are incomplete.

(5) Temple "Y" has no basement or stairways and stands on an earthen platform, north of "V". It was dated between Angkor Wat and Bayon. Oriented to the East, it has a long mandapa as entrance, linked by a vestibule to a 3.5 m by 3.0 m sanctuary chamber, which hosted a linga 0.95 m tall. The larger chamber has mostly collapsed, but on its western side, there are two remarkable half-frontons, which depict the defeat of the asura Bana by Krishna to the north and the three giant steps of Vamana to the south.


Temple Facts

Name: Prasat Preah Pithu /Preah Pithu temples

Date: 12th to 13th Century AD
Builder: Suryavarman II and Jayavarman VIII
Cultures: Khmer Empire
Affiliation: Hinduism
Religion: Hinduism & Buddism 
Dedicated: Unknown
Stype: Khmer (Angkor Wat style modified to post-Bayon style)

Getting There

Prasat Preah Pithu is located inside Angkor Thom opposite Tep Pranam and the Terrace of the Leper King. Although nearby these temples, it’s likely that the temples at Preah Pithu were built at different times. The area is surrounded by trees and is a peaceful place to visit.

To reach this group of temples, head north from Bayon. Continue past the Terrace of the Elephants and the Terrace of the Leper King as if heading towards the North Gate. You’ll see a small group of market stalls on the right side. 

Entering between the two groups of market stalls and you’ll first see the temple “T”, and then “U”. To the east of them, you'll see "X". The northeast of "T & U", you'll see the temple "V", and closing of the "V" at the north side is the temple "Y".

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